Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mommy Moment #7 Oh the Power!!!!!

I think the vindictive side of me started to show yesterday. I had a really hard time getting out of bed due to a late night and a son who felt it was necessary to eat every couple of hours. I put in a movie for Mariska then Jack and I fell asleep while she was watching. I woke up to Riska asking me to open a Easter Peanut Butter Egg. I told her no that we needed to eat breakfast first. As she left the room I could hear her trying to open the packaging which she succeeded in doing. By the time I got to her she had literally stuffed more than half the egg in her mouth. I was really irritated that she disobeyed so as punishment she was not allowed to have any candy for the rest of the day. Now this is going to sound bad but I think about it and I think it is funny I felt this way yesterday because I have never felt like this before. There was something almost satisfying about eating a piece of candy in front of her and telling her she wasn't able to have one because she disobeyed. I know!!! I am terrible! I think I was mostly irritated because she would not listen to anything I said yesterday. So what did I learn in this experience? Sometimes having power feels good! :)