April first was a day full of adventure. The kids and I along with three other moms and their kids drove down to Salt Lake. We had 4 moms, 3 cars, and 11 kids. It was quite the ride. We were on the road at 7:20 AM which should have put us in Salt Lake around 7:00 PM. We didn't arrive until midnight. Mariska got carsick for the first time ever. We came upon a pretty bad accident just out of Ontario Oregon. We were at a complete standstill for about an hour and a half. We let the kids out and had them clean up the trash that was on the side of the road. Finally after all the waiting we were directed to a turn around and went back about 10 miles to highway 201. We finally got to Ontario grabbed lunch and were on the road again.

In Mountain Home, Idaho we stopped for a bathroom break and my friends van started making an awful noise when she started it. Two gentlemen came over to help. As I got talking to one of them I found out he was LDS and had just moved into our ward. He stayed, with his wife, for a little to see if we needed anything. Before they left, to get back on their way, they pulled out a set of cars and tracks for the kids to play with. It was intended for their Grandson but they insisted we take it so the kids would have something to play with while the car was being fixed. The other gentleman that helped us actually replaced the part was broken in the car. His name was Charlie and he said that he had never stopped at that station before but as he was driving he became so thirsty that he had to stop for a bottle of water. The car was fixed we were on the road again, several hours behind schedule. It felt good to know that the Lord was watching out for us. I really appreciate all the prayers that were said on my behalf. I joked with my friend about it being April Fools day. The joke was apparently on us.