"And they call it puppy love." After a very long day of traveling we arrived home safely with the newest member of our family, Jasper. He is an Airedale and is only 6 weeks old. He is our family Christmas present this year. A little early but it happens. We are very excited to have him home.

He has a very mellow temperament and seems to enjoy the kids a lot. He has been a little nervous all day but it is understandable, everything that he has known is no longer there.

We were not sure if Riska really understood that we were getting a dog but it was very clear to her when we started the drive back home. Everywhere we stopped she would tell us to not forget the puppy.

We have to be a little more careful with Jack and Jasper. Jasper is only a puppy and has some sharp teeth that Jack finds very interesting. Every time we bring them together Jack puts his fingers into Jasper's mouth.

I was a little nervous about getting a dog but as soon as I saw Jasper I fell in love with him and new he was going to be a great addition to our home.
What a cutie! We just got a dog too. I need to keep up on posting. It was so good to see you at the fair!
P.s. Mariska's Hair is so cute!
he is cute... I think he will be fun to have around... I hope Riska feels better! We need a play date sooN!
Wow, good luck! We got a puppy for a christmas present once, but it only lasted a week. I just couldn't handle it! They can be tons of fun though, so I hope it works out for you!
I keep telling Tyler, since he DESPERATELY wants a dog, that if he can somehow find me a puppy that will be fully-house trained, & is guaranteed to never grow up into a bigger dog, we can get one. I know; I'm very supportive of getting a dog, aren't I? Jasper sure is a cutie, though! :)
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