We have officially caught the bug here!!!! I love watching the Olympics. Our TV has never been on as much as it has in the last week. We are huge swim fans and have found that watching Michael Phelps and his journey through this Olympics very exciting. The other sports that we have thoroughly enjoyed watching is Beach Volleyball. I of course really enjoy watching the men play (for obvious reasons). I think that it is a prerequisite for beach volleyball players to be easy on the eyes. They all seem to be fairly good looking. Anyway moving on. I got a little irritated watching the men's gymnastics. The Chinese are really good and our boys really had their work cut out for them but I felt that we were really jipped when it came to our scores. Even the commentators said that they felt the US scores were lower than they should be. I was really excited when Nastia and Shawn took Gold and Silver in the women's all around. I have never seen anyone stick their landings the way Nastia did yesterday. I am really looking forward to seeing the track and field events. I think they started today. Mariska has even enjoyed watching with us. She loved the gymnastics and would laugh hysterically when they did flips and jumps. You can definitely tell how vocal we are when it comes to sports because when ever John and I really get into it we yell and holler at the TV. I was on the phone with my mom during one of Michael Phelps races and all of a sudden Mariska was not quite yelling, but saying loudly "GO, GO, GO!" It was rally cute. I just checked a little while ago China has more gold medals than any other country but the US has 48 medals over all and China has 41. I think when this Olympics ends I will be a little sad. It has been really fun to watch and get excited for the competitors who are representing this wonderful country. GO USA!!!!!!!!!
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