After waiting for three weeks the letter finally arrived on Tuesday. Almost ninety people applied for the Construction Management program this year and only 36 would get in. The last three weeks have been torture. If John didn't get in then he would have to apply again next year and that means school would have to be put off until January of 2010 because the only classes he needs to take at this point are in the Major.
I was the one to get the mail on Tuesday. John had just left for school and would not be back for over an hour. As soon as I saw the CWU envelope I ran for the phone. Of course John wasn't answering, so I did what any good wife would do, I didn't open the letter. Nope I held it up to the light and since it was only one page it was easy to read. I can't even explain the emotions that ran through me when I read "officially accepted into the major..." I called Holly (john's sister) for help. I didn't have the car and I wanted to surprise John when he came home. She brought over a couple of congrats banners and balloons. she also brought us a bottle of sparkling cider and Riska sized goblets (picture.) I hung the banners in the doorway and hung letter behind them. The first thing John saw when he got home was the banners and the letter. He was a little confused at what I was congratulating him for because the letter was unopened, then I told him what I did. I wish you all could have seen his face. The sheer relief and excitement as he opened the letter. I am so proud of him and all the work he has done to get were he is. We are extremely grateful and feel so blessed. Thank you for your prayers and support. We love you all.
Honey, I can't tell you how happy I am for you both...and to say, "I told you so" is probably in order. hahaha. And you were so worried. ;-)
I love you guys. Congrats, again John. You have certainly earned your spot among the elite 36.
Also, the celebratory pictures with sparkling cider (yeah right guys, we know how you roll) and Mariska with her own glass are priceless. You should get one of those frames that can display his acceptance letter along with a few of those pictures to remember the special day.
Yeah yeah!!!!! Prayers really DO work.
Congrats!!! I bet that is such a relief! I am sooo Happy for your family!
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