I'm still here. This has been such a crazy month us. School and play. This is actually the first time in a couple weeks I have looked at the blogs. It was so good to read what everyone had written. Congrats to all who had new babies. We are so excited for you.
I guess this is just going to be a bit of goings on post. Nothing new has happened here. School started back at the beginning of January. Since both John and I are going to school we tried really hard to arrange our schedules so one of us could be home with the kiddo at all times. We were successful but now there are times during the day with only a ten min break between my classes and John's classes so there is a lot of driving back and forth from the school. Takes a toll on the gas bill but in comparison it is cheaper than daycare.
John is pretty confident that we will leave Ellensburg when he finishes school (Sniff, Sniff.) The only thing that is worrying me about this is I will not be done with school. I have already experienced a school transfer and lost credits. Not looking forward to this again. I went to my advisor yesterday and we laid out my options. It looks like I will be transferring to Spokane Falls sometime in the distant future. I can get a Distance AA there and not lose my credits from Central. Once I have my AA it wont be to big a deal where we end up because I will be able to go right into the degree program. Fingers Crossed!
This quarter was supposed to be my easy quarter but it is actually kicking my trash. My grades are fine it's all the work that is getting to me. I am taking Eng 102 and Math 101. The Math 101 class is like taking a second English class. I have four papers I have to write for this math class. The crap thing about it is I will not getting any writing credit for this course. Oh well. Just grin and bear it.
John is busy as ever. Now that he is in his major his schedule stinks. He has at least a three hour break in between each of his classes. I was surprised we were able to fit my classes in between his. This next quarter we will not be so lucky.
Mariska! Mariska! Mariska! We still love and adore her. She is starting to talk a lot more these days. Her manners are improving (at least with me.) Anytime I give her something she tells me thanks. She doesn't do this with anyone else unless prompted. Always says please when she wants something. Loves going to Nursery. Absolutely loves her cousins. Especially Maddy. Maddy is 10 and plays with Mariska anytime she comes over. The other day Mariska did something and got a time out. As I was sitting there with her she stated to call for her daddy. I told her that she was in time out and that daddy wasn't going to come save her. She then started to call for Maddy (who was not here when this happened.) Got to love it.
John and I went on a Date!!!! I know we almost forgot what that word means. We had such a good time and it was not to have the time alone together. Thanks to my wonderful sister in law we were able to go.
Think that's about it.
1 comment:
Great post! Remind me, I need to talk to you about getting an AA. I thought about getting one through YVCC in '07 but I didn't because AA's are actually NOT recognized by many universities anymore. Next time we talk I'll tell you what I know and hopefully it will help.
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