Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mommy Moment #6

It took some time for me to come to this conclusion but I have been feeling really stressed out and I have not known why. Well after a conversation with my hubby it downed on me where the stress was coming from. John is finishing school next quarter and will graduate in June. He has been applying for jobs all over the place, not just in Washington. He has people doing some networking for him down in Vegas and Utah. So we are in a state of the unknown. I have no idea where we will be in 6 months and this is a little scary for me. I know that if we keep living the way we are supposed to the Lord will provide. It felt good pinpointing what I was stressing about because I have been able to get a handle on it.


j2nielsen said...

Don't worry. Your thoughts about the Lord providing are correct. Jared and I have been in a state of the unknown so many times, including 11 moves! I know where you are coming from...hang in there!

The A Family said...

What kind of job will he be looking for? Maybe we can help. =)