I have no idea where this year went but Jack turned one on the 23rd of October.

I can't take credit for the cake but it was really tasty!

When we gave Jack his cake we expected him to dive right in but he didn't he picked at it at first.

It didn't take him long to figure it out. :)

This is about where I pulled the plug on the cake eating festivities. He was a mess and there was cake everywhere. He got more cake on the floor and down his shorts than he did in his mouth.

Mom and Aurie were here for the party. John's mom and dad were able to come for the day. It was so fun to have all of them here to celebrate!

I love watching a baby figure out the whole present thing. Jack was of course more interested in the packaging than they toys and I don't think I have ever seen a kid get so excited about clothes.

Jack is already learning to share. Most of the time it is by force, but he really loves to play with his big sister.

Love you Mom!

I have to say that I am so proud of Mariska! She had a couple of moments on Jacks birthday but for the most part handled it very well. She is a really great big sister and we are lucky to have her.

Happy Birthday Jack!!!!!!! We love you!
that is so exciting! I can't believe how big he is! He is so handsome though! I wish that we were up there so that we could see more of your kids... how can I be the cool aunt when they see their other aunts so much more than me????
his look has really started to change since I've seen you guys last. He's starting to look less like a baby and more like a toddler. What a stud Jack is in that last pic! LOVE IT!
Happy Birthday Jack! I can't believe he's a year old already! The baby stage goes by WAY too fast. It always makes me smile from ear to ear to see so many babies who LOVE eating their cake & making a big mess of it. Neither of my kids did that for their 1st birthdays. Crazy, I know. :)
Happy birthday jack! We miss you guys!!
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