We had to take a trip to Seattle at the beginning of September to see Mariska's Orthopedic Surgeon. Mariska has whats called Camptodactyle in her right hand. That is just a fancy word for bent finger. Her pinkie is bent and wont unbend when she stretches out her fingers. We first saw Doctor Parker back in April. She gave us a brace for Mariska to wear every night when she slept. Apparently this is something we will be dealing with until Mariska has finished growing. Doctor Parker said that if we are diligent in using the brace Surgery will not be necessary later on. So our second appointment was on September 2. We got to the hospital late and we were called back even before I had started to fill out the paperwork. The nurse took us to the room and said the doc would be right with us. Literally two seconds later Doctor Parker walked in. She examined Mariska's hands and said that they are stretching out nicely. She no longer has to wear the brace and we do not have to go back until Mariska is about 5. That was it. We were at the hospital for about 7 minutes. I told John I was glad we decided to go to the zoo that day because it would have really stunk if we drove over to Seattle for a 7 minute appointment. Mariska loved the zoo. Point Defiance is so different than Woodland Park. We loved the water exhibits. It took us a total of three hours to walk through the whole zoo and that was with stopping at two presentations and making it to the end of a third. We also let Mariska play on the playground there for a while before we left. I was glad to have Aurie there with us. She made the trip a lot more fun.
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