Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mommy Moment #3

I knew this one already, I am such a boob! Today was Riska's first day as a sunbeam. I was so excited for her and she was so excited to go to primary. It wasn't until we got to the primary room that I realized my baby is not a baby anymore. I am not the type of parent who hates to see her children grow up. Each stage Mariska has hit has brought different experiences and new levels of fun. I just think it is funny that I cried over her going to primary.

1 comment:

Jolie said...

with Jaclyn starting sunbeams yesterday, it wasn't the transition that made me want to cry. oh no. it was more the fact that MY child was THE ONLY one that ran around the room, refused to sit in her chair for more than 15 seconds at a time, stood at the front of the room and made goofy faces at the other kids, etc...
ahhhh, Jaclyn. that's my Jaclyn!! It's going to be an interesting transition for her!!