What can I say about this little girl. She makes me so happy and frustrated all at the same time! Most the time she is such a good girl but she has her moments just like we all do.
She walked out of her room the other day with the Mr. Potato Head glasses on her face. she then went to the rocking chair with a couple of books and sat down to read. I was laughing so hard it was so funny.

Primary has been a lot of fun for Riska. She gave her first talk last Sunday and did a really good job. i felt bad for the leaders having to use the Microphone. I am sure all kids put their mouth on it the way Mariska did. The Sunday after Halloween she got a new teacher in Sunbeams. When the Sister asked Mariska what her name was she told her "I am Tinkerbell" and refused to tell the teacher what her real name was. So during class time Mariska was called Tinker bell. A few weeks later there was a substitute. Again when asked what her name was she said "My name is Sally Car." The sub asked what her "What do your mom and dad call you?" Mariska then said, "My Grandma calls me cupcake." These poor teachers. A couple weeks ago Sister Riggs the music Leader asked a question. Mariska raised her hand and when called on immediately forgot what she was going to say. Her answer became this, "Um, um, um, I love you." Sister Riggs, bless her heart, said well I love you too and moved on with singing time.
I have to say she is such a good little girl. I lead the music in Sacrament Meeting for the last time last week. Jack was sick so John stayed home with him. Mariska sat in our Pew all by herself during the first part of Sacrament meeting. She was so quiet and reverent. I had several people come to me after and tell me how good she was. She is also a really good sharer (most the time.) We had a sister and her two daughters sit with Yesterday. She is a new member and was just baptized last weekend. Mariska shared her cookies and crackers along with her papers and crayons. It really did my heart a lot of good.
She loves to sing and has sung this song over and over again since she learned it.
Mariska knows just how to make me smile and I am truly grateful to have her in my life. I love you Mariska and I am so glad you are mine!