Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pumpkins 2010

I love carving pumpkins! I have no idea why. Everything about it is so fun. This year John thought it would be fun to do something different. I am glad we did. Love how the pumpkin turned out.

Just in case... We are big baseball fans our team being the Seattle Mariners.


The A Family said...

Wow, that is amazing, so is the gingerbread house! I cheated this year and stuck vinyl faces on our pumpkins. I hate cleaning out all the gunk inside! good job!

Anonymous said...

Each of our kids got to pick their pumpkins this year, and Matthew (with my help) picked the wartiest pumpkin that he could find. Unfortunately, it was too hard to carve, we broke three knives trying to cut the top off of that thing, and one eye done. we ended up just throwing the thing away after the third knife broke. Yours looks great!

Jolie said...

AWESOME pumpkin guys!