Thursday, December 24, 2009
Mommy Moment #2
I already knew this but it has been reaffirmed over and over latley. Anything I say to my kids could eventually come back and bite me in the butt. I pulled out my clarinet earlier this week to practice and Riska was fascinated with the instrument. She asked to play it and of course I said no. She looked at me with a sad face and said "Mommy you have to share." It really doesn't seem to matter what I say it gets repeated by my daughter sooner or later.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Paralyzer-Finger Eleven
John was dancing with Jack when he started giggling. It is right in the middle of the video. I love that my children seem to like the music we listen to.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Mommy Moment #1
We watched Julie and Julia last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It got me thinking about what I do with my blog. Most the time I only write about my kids never about what I am thinking or my experiences. So I have decided that once a week I will look for what I like to call mommy moments. When they happen I will write about them. It will of course involve the kids and my husband but it will be my thoughts and things that I have come to know through the experiences I have.
I did the laundry on Friday and since we live in an apartment without a washer and dryer I had to take it to the little laundry room next door. I had just finished and had all the stuff in the entryway next to the couch. Riska unscrewd the lid to the laundry detergent and then i think she used the bottle as a step stool to the arm of the couch. When I caught it we had already lost half of the bottle, which was nearly full, into our carpet. I now understand the meaning of seeing red. I have never been that angry with my daughter. Even though I was angry I reigned in my temper and did not yell at her which would have been my first reaction. My sister in law took the kids that evening so I could take John out to dinner and that is when it happened. Pulling myself away from the situation gave me new eyes. It occurred to me that it was an accident. I am sure that Mariska doesn't go around all day looking for ways to make life harder. Then I thought yes it is a mess and it will take a little time to clean up but at least it can be cleaned up. Plus it was my fault in the first place for not putting the bottle away. So here is my mommy moment. I have complete control over my temper, or I should say I have the ability to have complete control over my temper. Glad it only took me 27 years to figure it out.
I did the laundry on Friday and since we live in an apartment without a washer and dryer I had to take it to the little laundry room next door. I had just finished and had all the stuff in the entryway next to the couch. Riska unscrewd the lid to the laundry detergent and then i think she used the bottle as a step stool to the arm of the couch. When I caught it we had already lost half of the bottle, which was nearly full, into our carpet. I now understand the meaning of seeing red. I have never been that angry with my daughter. Even though I was angry I reigned in my temper and did not yell at her which would have been my first reaction. My sister in law took the kids that evening so I could take John out to dinner and that is when it happened. Pulling myself away from the situation gave me new eyes. It occurred to me that it was an accident. I am sure that Mariska doesn't go around all day looking for ways to make life harder. Then I thought yes it is a mess and it will take a little time to clean up but at least it can be cleaned up. Plus it was my fault in the first place for not putting the bottle away. So here is my mommy moment. I have complete control over my temper, or I should say I have the ability to have complete control over my temper. Glad it only took me 27 years to figure it out.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Riska

Visit to Grandma Dolly
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Mariska and Jack
One Eyed Jack

Swing Time

Halloween Pumpkins
Gingerbread house Take Two

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Announcing the arrival of our newest family member, Jack was born on Friday the 23rd at 4:26 PM. He was 8 lbs 7 oz. and 19 inches long. He is beautiful and I am already so much in love with him. I am so grateful for him. I am grateful to my father in heaven for giving me the this little angel to look after in this life. I am glad he is mine forever. My love for John and Mariska has increased over the past couple days. I was worried I wouldn't have enough love for both of my children but I do and I already feel that life just wouldn't be right with out both of them near me. Thank you for all the prayers and the thoughts.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Just One Of Those days
So Monday I went to the Doctor and found that the progress we had been making with the baby moving down into the birth canal had been reversed. I felt so depressed. My mom is coming today and I wanted so badly to have a baby by the time she got here. Well, I tried to be positive and I think what I ended up doing instead was suppressing feelings that should not have been suppressed. I slept lousy Monday night and woke very grouchy on Tuesday. Riska didn't get the amount of sleep that she needs to have a good day so we were at each others throats all day Tuesday. The best part of the day was when I got out of the shower. John was on the phone with the cell company and Mariska was quiet as can be. I hollered for her and she said "I'm in mommy's bedroom." I asked what she was doing in there and she replied, "Eating M and M's." I have acid reflux when I am pregnant and chocolate really sets it off so I had a regular bag of M and M's in my night stand that I was saving for after the baby. Mariska the little stinker ate the whole bag. I completely lost it. I sat on the edge of the tub and sobbed. John came in worried that something was really wrong and when he asked all I could say was "Mariska ate my M and M's!!!!" I wish I was lucid enough to actually see his reaction to my emotional outburst. It had to look pretty funny. A grown women crying over candy. I laugh now because it is funny. It just didn't seem funny at the time.Oh the things that will put us over the edge.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Mommy's Belly
With the due date looming aroiund the corner, we have been talking to Mariska about the baby. John keeps telling her that the baby will come out of my tummy soon. I wasn't sure if she understood, until yesterday. She brought over her little construction tape measure and measured my belly. She was very sweet about it and told me that my belly measured 9 inches. :) As I sat there she got a concerned look on her face. I asked her what the matter was and she responded with "Jack come out of mommy's belly?" I told her yes and that it would be soon. She still looked concerned so I proded again what was wrong. "Jack break mommy's belly?" was what I got. My little sweetheart is totally concerned about how Jack is going to get out. I never really thought how that would look to a three year old. Luckily assuring her that my belly would not be broken that it would be better did the trick. Can't wait until the real answers have to be given.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Baby Blanket

So after finishing my four year long project of the dragon, I could not wait to get working on the next project. I had some baseball material that I got really cheap one year after Thanksgiving. This is what I came up with. I am excited that it turned out to be what I wanted.I have to find the right material for the backing but the front is done. Great thing is I will soon have a little bundle to wrap in it. Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mariska has an infatuation with stickers. I have never seen a kid love stickers as much as she does. Forget the candy and sweets, if we need a bribe we do it with stickers. I gave her a page of stickers that my Aunt brought when she came to visit. I turned my back and this is what I found.

I think that she used the whole sheet!! I just love my little girl!
I think that she used the whole sheet!! I just love my little girl!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
No Fun!!!!!
My poor little daughter. She ended up sick at the end of our vacation. When we got home she started to complain that it hurt whenever she peed. We took her to the doctor because I was sure it was a Urinary tract infection. Let me just say how fun it was to get my two year old to pee in a cup. We ended up taking the cup home and trying there. Got the sample back to the lab and got her on antibiotics because the doctor said it was obvious that she had an infection. So she has been on antibiotics that say she should spend minimal time out in the sun. It is hard to explain to her why we can't go outside for more than 30 to 45 min. We got the results back from the culture they did on her urine and she does have a urinary tract infection caused by e-coli. YUCK!!!!! After doing the math we figured she picked it up somewhere between Salt Lake and Ellensburg when we drove 14 hours straight. Plus with her immune system already weakened it just made things worse.
So we went to the doctor today for a second test to see if she is rid of this nasty infection. Again she had to pee in the cup. She was such a big girl. We went into the bathroom i got her all prepped and ready and before I could get the cup in position she started to pee. I said NOOOO!!!! and she actually stopped. She got the littlest amount into the cup after that. when we left the bathroom she ran to her dad yelling for the whole office to hear, "I peed in the cup, I peed in the cup!!" Such a big girl. Should find out by toomorrow if she is better.
So we went to the doctor today for a second test to see if she is rid of this nasty infection. Again she had to pee in the cup. She was such a big girl. We went into the bathroom i got her all prepped and ready and before I could get the cup in position she started to pee. I said NOOOO!!!! and she actually stopped. She got the littlest amount into the cup after that. when we left the bathroom she ran to her dad yelling for the whole office to hear, "I peed in the cup, I peed in the cup!!" Such a big girl. Should find out by toomorrow if she is better.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Trip to Utah
The last week of our vaction was split into two parts. We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa the first couple nights then with my Aunt Toni. Thanks to all family family members who came to see us and let us stay with them. It really made our vacation worth while.
Mariska and my two cousins Drew and Bryce reading the book Toni got her.

Mariska with Cooper.
Mariska loved my cousin Tara. Thanks Tara for the bubbles and taking Riska to the park.

My grandpa took us to the Jordan River and showed us a great place to feed the ducks. When we went with Grandpa the ducks were being shy. When we went the next morning it is was the opposite. The ducks were walking between Johns legs. Mariska loved to feed them the bread.
Cedar Breaks
Vegas Childrens Museum
Riska and I went with Grandpa, my sister Nicole and her family to the Leid Children Museum. It was a lot of fun to be with Nic and her kids.

Riska can have a one track mind. I sat and watched her for 30 min paying with the ball machine. Then the only thing she wanted to do was play with the bubbles.

Museum had a bubble exhibit. We are not sure who had more fun. Grandpa or the kids. Grandpa got really good at making the big bubbles.
Thank You Nicole and Jake! We had a great time at the museum. I am so glad we could share that with you.
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