Somethings you might not know about me. Then again you might.
Ten things I love...
1. Clean sheets on the bed
2. Stepping out of the shower on to freshly washed bathmats (John's not allowed to take the first shower after the mats have been washed.)
3. A babies laughter
4. The smell of rain
5. The look of the clouds at sunset
6. Hugs and kisses from my hubby and children
7. The stars
8. An ice cold glass of water
9. Orchids and Tulips
10. Reading a good book in a day or two (hasn't happened in a long time.)
Five things that make me mad
1. People who don't stop for pedestrians
2. When a fuse blows as I am blow drying Mariska's hair before bed.
3. Whenever I don't need a pacifier for Jack I find them everywhere. When I need one they are nowhere to be found.
4. Being late when I got up earlier and tried so hard to make it early or just on time
5. Overeating because it just tasted to good to waste. (I have been really bad at this lately.)
Three things I wish for
1. John getting a job before he graduates.
2. Living a little closer to my family.
3. That laundry did itself.