Friday, May 7, 2010

Acting Out

My poor little baby has his two bottom front teeth and is now getting his two top front teeth. Not just poor him but poor me also. He has bitten me more than a few times while nursing and twice now has made me bleed. I am torn between stopping and just pumping or suffering through it. I have gotten pretty good at telling when he is about to bite and can pull him off before he does but I really have to pay attention. My hope is that once these two teeth break through things will be better. I might be kidding myself because once those teeth are there he will have four instead of two. Even the thought of it makes me fold my arms.
Two nights ago I was singing with Riska at bedtime. She was sitting with her baby in her lap and I was laying on her bed looking at the ceiling. When I looked over at her she had pulled her PJ shirt up and was holding her doll to her chest. I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was "nursing her baby." I asked if she wanted to feed her baby a bottle and she said, "No. I need to feed her with my boob." Not really sure what I was supposed to do at this point I continued the song and suddenly I hear Riska pushes her doll away from her and says, "Ouch! That's it your done!" I about fell off her bed I was laughing so hard. I guess she has heard me say that more than once. :)

1 comment:

The A Family said...

That's hillarious! So funny when they immitate everything we do. =)