I am a firm believer that children should be put to work as young as possible. ;) No I am just kidding. I left the cheese on the table and had moved on to something else. When I turned around my little helper was attempting to grate the cheese. I love that she likes to help me in the kitchen. Not to long ago she tried to help with the dishes. I washed and she rinsed and set them on the towel to dry. I ended up cleaning up a lot of water by the time we were done and the dishes that were drying had to be moved to another towel because Riska had decided to rinse them off after she put them on the towel. I shouldn't complain to much because if I keep nurturing this side of her she may never fight me when we do chores. :) Yeah Right.
Ha ha! We have that same problem with the dishes. I let Corbin wash them now about 1 to 2 times a week and he loves it! But we have learned to put a bath towel on the floor under him to catch all of the water. He loves to do it though. He loves to help around the house in any capacity. Put that girl to work! :)
Can she come work at my house. I need someone to peel and cut potatoes... maybe that is not such a good idea... but I could use some more grated cheese.
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