Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jack's eye part 2

So we went to Children's Hospital in Seattle on Wednesday for a checkup appointment on Jacks eye. I was hoping to go and find out when they would want to do the surgery because Jacks eye has not gotten better and has in fact gotten worse. The droopy eyelid has now started to cover a very small part of his pupil and his pediatrician says we may want to look into doing the surgery sooner than later. It is really neat to watch them do the vision test on Jack. Obviously he cannot respond vocally to them so the test are a bit different than the ones that are done on older children and adults. Dr. Herlihy is great and Jack (being the flirt he is) loves her. She was very honest with us in regards to the surgery. She could tell that we had concerns about his eye but assured us that the droopy eyelid has yet to cause a problem with his vision. He is still not favoring one eye over the other and he has figured out that if he tilts his head back or raises his eyebrows he can see a little better out his right eye. Dr Herlihy told us that we could do the surgery now but the chances of Jack needing to have a secondary surgery is pretty high because of how young he is and how much growing he has to do. She also said that if at any point there is even the slightest question that his eyelid is affecting his vision we will do the surgery. Jack will never have full use of his eyelid because of the muscle being deformed but the two surgeries that Dr. Herlihy told us about would definitely help him.
The first only works 3/4 of the time and rarely does it correct the problem fully. It stretches the deformed muscle, to make it tighter, and they attach it to the brow muscle. The pros of this surgery is it is cosmetically more appealing meaning less scaring and eyes may appear a bit more symetrical. The second surgery is called a sling. They would take donor tissue and sling it around the deformed muscle and again attach it to the brow muscle. There would be three incisions above the eyebrow and three incisions on the eyelid. He would still use his brow to help raise the eyelid all the way with both surgeries but the second surgery would help with the resting state of the eyelid, it wouldn't seem droopy.
We have decided to wait since it is not impairing his vision. We have another appointment in a couple months and will continue to go every couple months to monitor that status of his eyes.
I feel truly blessed to have such healthy kids and I am grateful that Jack is only having to deal with Ptosis (droopy eyelid.) I do however hate Having to make a decision about surgery. I hope when the time comes we make a good decision in regards to what surgery we will have done. At our first appointment Dr Herlihy said that Jack may grow out of it but becasue of how severe his ptosis was not to count on it. This appointment we found out surgery would be imminent. I guess I was still hoping he would grow out of it because I was kinda bummed after the appointment. Just hope eveything goes well when the time comes.


Unknown said...

I am very happy to know that there is a surgery to correct the problem. Imagine living with less technology than we do live with. Where would we be at? What would happen to Jack's eye? What would have happened to Matthew when he was born? I'm glad that you can wait to make the decision though. That way there is more time to pray and ponder it.

I love you and your cute little stinkers!!! (I mean your kids)

Account of the Condie Clan said...

It isn ever easy to make decision like that, simply because they will have such a lasting effect on his life. But I am sure that whatever happens he will thank you for at least allowing him the ability to use his eyelid, even if it is limited. He is such a cutie and it won't make too much difference. Besides, "chicks dig scars". ;)

Kerry Hoaglund said...

I hope that everything goes well! That is so scary!

Lore Smart said...

Sounds like little Jack is in great hands with wonderful parents and doctors who care. Surgery is always scary but such a blessing too. So grateful for the doc who put Macies ear tubes in. She's a different baby(well, not quite baby anymore). What an adorable little family you have.