I used to be a really big wuss. The thought of touching animals like cows and horses freaked me out. I had bizarre images of these animals biting my hand off. (Don't ask. I am not sure where it comes from.) Well people I am proud to say I am over my fear. Since we have lived in a place that has a county fair every year I made it a point with Mariska to not be scared of animals the way her mother is. She isn't for the most part and loves to pet any animal that will let her (except chickens she just likes to chase those.) We have been to the fair every year and she loves to see the cows and the horses. She has ridden a horse before at a friends birthday party and loved it. A good friend of ours has horses and when we were celebrating his birthday a few weeks ago we got to ride the horses. Riska is a pro. I on the other hand had to have someone guide the horse for the first little bit I was on it. Eventually I took the reigns and although I was a little intimidated at first I had a blast and cannot wait to do it again. I can see why people do this for fun.

I was a little nervous. Held on really tight to the saddle horn.
hey I love commenting on your blog. Those are some great pictures!
its a good thing that those horses did not bite you. I hear that they can bite fingers off!@ J/K. I've never been on a horse. Maybe I should come and visit you so I can ride a horse...Or perhaps I should find a way to do that closer to home.
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