Jack had his first time at the park yesterday. The weather was nice and we decided to go out back and play.

Riska always has fun when we go to the park but this was Jacks first time in the swing and on the slide.

We attempted to have the kids go down the slide together but that was not the brightest idea of the day. They rolled over by the time they got to the bottom of the slide, with Riska onto of Jack. I wanted to get a picture because it was so funny but I was worried she was squishing him.

I am not to sure about this mom!

I am so proud of Riska. There is a little cubby area at the top of the jungle gym that she always wants to get up in but has a really hard time getting back down. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to climb up and rescue her. This time she figured out how to do it herself. She spent a long time going up into the cubby just to turn around and get back down. It was really awesome. She is getting so big.

By the end Jack was having a blast in the swings.
I love the pitures of Jack! I love his little face. I really laughed at the one where he is going down the slide! Good for you for taking pictures. I always forget to do that.
So FUn!!!!
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