Monday, May 31, 2010

Mommy Moment #9 Something Right

I don't know about you but sometimes I wonder if the things I teach Mariska ever sink in. Yesterday I had an aha moment at church. Her primary teacher came up to me and said that she held up a picture of President Monson and asked the kids in her class if they knew who he was. Riska was the only one that could tell her it was the prophet. I may be a little biased but my little girl is so smart. It really made me feel like we have done something right. Silly I know. We have probably done more than one thing right but it sure feels good to see or hear the positive things that a child has done because of something you taught her. My experience has been that you really only hear about the negative things that your child does and if you are like me wonder where in the heck she learned that. :)


Account of the Condie Clan said...

You do lots of things right! But this is a big one for me! When I taught Primary the last time I had 6 year olds and when I showed a Picture of Joseph Smith one time, not one of them could tell me who it was. So I have been doing my best to make sure my kids can identify who the important icons in the church are. So far Corbin can do many of them, but Maddy struggles a little bit, or she may just be overshadowed by her big loud brother ;) Great job Chantalle!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! I love it when my kids get the answers right... and they are already learning that the answers are always the same!